Trauma Therapy: A Path to Healing and Personal Growth

Embracing the Journey to Wholeness

I like to help people free themselves to feel their best.

Beyond Talk Therapy: Transforming Your Life Through Deeper Healing

Welcome. If you are individual who, despite doing talk therapy, still feels stuck, you're not alone. Talking may not be enough.

Many clients have sought my help to get unstuck and live their best lives. They came with the hope that my intuition and expertise with trauma-informed, leading-edge therapy approaches like EMDR, somatic talk therapy, IFS and TIST could finally bring relief.

These clients craved relief from anxiety, low self-worth, challenging relationships, and difficult or traumatic childhoods.

It’s Not You; It’s Your Biology

If you’re a trauma survivor, talking through the details in talk therapy can re-activate trauma symptoms, no matter how long ago the event(s) occurred.

The evidence-based therapies I offer are known to relieve trauma symptoms and self-limiting patterns. These therapies engage my clients' innate healing potential. With trauma, they develop an embodied sense that “I survived” and “it’s over,” which is more effective than mere intellectual understanding.

If triggered by trauma, you might feel sudden emotional overwhelm or physical symptoms. Also, you may not remember event details. Narrative memory is often shut down during trauma. The reason? If a sabertooth tiger is after you, you don’t need to know the color of the stripes and so the body saves energy for animal defenses.

There’s a good reason change is slippery

You might blame yourself for not "fixing" your issues, such as with addictions (workaholism, excessive screen time, etc.). But there's more to the story. Your limbic (vs. rational) brain stores childhood adaptations (vs. traumas) that now trip you up. It’s job is to resist change to “protect” you.“

Adaptive” habits or strategies, like people-pleasing or perfectionism, can overwhelm your best intentions to change them.

This is why insights and goals gleaned from talk therapy can be easily thwarted. Such strategies might include:

  • Going into a shame spiral after your boss suggests a minor course correction.

  • Even though quite competent, your inner critic, who harps on that "you're not good enough," also saddles you with “imposter syndrome.

Trauma- Informed Treatment Approaches

I use gentle trauma-informed therapy methods known to “update” old, ingrained beliefs, behaviors and/or trauma symptoms.

Potentially, these approaches can create a lasting, below-the-iceberg kind of change. These include:

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

  • Somatic talk therapy (sensorimotor psychotherapy)

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS)

  • Trauma-informed stabilization treatment (TIST)

  • The flash technique.

These mindfulness-based treatments are known to help with:

  • Anxiety, panic attacks, and depression

  • Sudden emotional overwhelm or hijacking into anger, fear, or shame

  • Self-sabotaging or limiting thoughts and behaviors (perfectionism, addictions, or low self-worth)

  • Chronic emotional or physical hypervigilance or catastrophizing

Supportive Environment for Healing and Growth

In working together, we would collaborate to connect with your innate healing and wisdom.

This could support you in feeling more authentic, empowered, and embodied. I provide a warm and compassionate environment that values the intelligence of what you bring to the table to be changed. 

We would gently update limiting beliefs, challenging behaviors, and/or trauma symptoms like anxiety, depression, or flashbacks that can keep you from feeling your best.

Common Benefits of Trauma Therapy

With this work, more energy is available since it’s no longer needed to suppress trauma symptoms or manage restrictive thoughts and behaviors. Typical results include:

  • More satisfying relationships and work-life balance

  • Deeper fulfillment and purpose in life

  • Increased self-acceptance, self-compassion, and emotional resilience

    Take the Next Step Toward Healing and Growth

You have good reason to feel optimistic. I invite you to set up a free 20-minute consultation to see if this work might benefit you too.